GREENSBORO, N.C. — When life is good, then you're feeling fabulous. It's like you're on easy street. But life isn't so good when it throws you a curve ball. You're not feeling as positive. Depending on how many curve balls are thrown your way, you might start to think that "life is hard."
When people can't catch a break with one bad thing happening after another, it can be overwhelming and discouraging, and the mindset of "life is hard" sets in. When you feel that life is against you, it's easier to give up and not try to make things better because you falsely believe it can't or won't improve. If this is your prevailing thought, then you'll tend to see the obstacle instead of the possibility and won't enjoy your life as much as possible.
My mom always said that we make life more complicated than it is. There's a lot of truth to that statement. Think about it. What is something that you're overcomplicating in your life? Maybe you're having a hard time with your boss. Instead of talking to them about the situation, you complain to friends. Maybe you keep seeing your bank account go down, but you don't cut back on spending. Maybe you're unsure how to handle a problem and choose to figure it out when talking to a friend or colleague who could have helped you solve it quicker or with different options.
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