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It's Never Give Up Day! Tips on sticking to goals

Blanca Cobb explains not only how to stay with a goal, but also knowing how to set realistic goals.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Today is National Never Give Up Day—a day dedicated to inspiring resilience, determination, and the power of perseverance. Let's talk about the importance of this mindset, specifically why it's important to keep going even when things get tough. The ability to persevere is a cornerstone of human resilience. Marching forward to overcome obstacles, learn from failures, and achieve our goals. You build mental strength, self-confidence, and a growth mindset when you don't give up.

Never giving up isn't just about the end goal but also the journey. The process of overcoming challenges is where you truly develop character and resilience. You see what you're made of in those tough times.

There will be times when you want to throw in the towel. So, how do you know when to keep going and when to let it go? It's important to listen to your body and mind. It might be time to reassess if you're experiencing burnout, exhaustion, or if a situation is consistently harmful to your well-being. However, if you're facing temporary setbacks or challenges, it's often a good idea to take a break, regroup, and then come back to the situation.

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