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It's National Sister's Day!

Blanca Cobb has a look at how important relationships between sisters and other female friends are.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Today is National Sisters Day. We know that not all biological sisters get along. And some of us don't even have a sister. Sometimes, you have a female friend who feels more like a sister than a friend. This can happen because of your emotional connection, which can result from a long history of friendship, support during hard times, and the feeling that you can tell her anything and she just gets it and you. You can also find that your personalities are compatible. There seems to be more understanding and less judgment.

The history between you and your sister can get in the way of bonding with her. If there have been past negative situations or unresolved disputes, this is a common reason why you may not be as close to your biological sister.

Here are a few ideas to strengthen the bond with your biological sister. One, spend quality time together, sharing new experiences and enjoying the time together. Second, work out any past differences. Third, make sure to have boundaries in place. Fourth, show appreciation for each other. 

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