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Impact of heat on your health and how to combat it

Blanca Cobb has some tips on how you can avoid heat related illnesses during this record breaking summer.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Many people find it hard to stay cool with the recently hot temperatures. Sometimes, air conditioners can't keep up. This got us thinking about why staying as cool as possible is important.

Too much heat can make you feel sick. You can get an upset stomach even if you haven't eaten anything. Also, heat can take your appetite away. Too much heat can lead to heat exhaustion, heat cramps, and heat stroke. A heat stroke requires immediate attention.

You sweat to maintain coolness and need water for your brain to function. If you become dehydrated, you lose more water than you're taking in, it can impact your attention levels and memory. This is why it's important to drink plenty of fluids. The heat can disrupt your sleep because you feel more drained and may not sleep well. If you don't sleep well, then it can impact your memory and concentration.

Wear loose clothing. Clothing that's snug against your skin can trap heat, making you feel hotter and more uncomfortable. Also, stay in the shade out of direct sunlight. Drink plenty of fluids, particularly water. Limit outdoor activities and try not to cook in the kitchen because the stove and oven generate more heat.

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