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How to use a cell phone in public without being rude

Since it's National Cell Phone Courtesy Month, Blanca Cobb wants give you some tips on using your phone around others.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — It's July, which means it's National Cell Phone Courtesy Month. We all know that feeling of being interrupted by a loud ringtone or someone glued to their screen during a conversation.

 Cell phone courtesy is about being considerate of others and fostering a more positive and respectful environment in public spaces. Also, it's about maximizing safety because if you're unaware of your surroundings and are focused on your phone, you could get hurt by running into things or other people. Your reaction times can be slower because you're distracted by your phone.

At the gym, you might think walking on the treadmill while catching up with friends or returning business calls is a good idea. And it might be a good idea for you, but others around you might not want to hear your conversations. Additionally, taking selfies of your physique or talking too long could discourage someone from using the equipment.

If you're at a restaurant with friends or colleagues, limiting your cell phone use at the table sends the message that you're focused on them. Focus on the conversation instead of checking texts or social media. Excuse yourself if you have to take a call, and keep it quick.

 You can continue the conversation with Blanca on her Facebook page: Blanca Cobb – Body Language Expert.

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