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How to sustain a good relationship with your mom

Blanca Cobb tells us how to keep your relationship with your mom strong.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — With Mother's Day around the corner, it's that time of year when we shower moms with love. We know that there's no one else on earth like our mother. Maintaining a relationship with your mom is easier when you're young and still living at home. But, as adults, when you start your own life and have work and family responsibilities, it may not be as easy. Here are suggestions on ways to keep a good relationship with your mom.

Most moms sacrifice for their children. They sacrifice their time, sleep, money, comfort (their jacket or blanket so their kids stay warm), and food to give to their kids. Moms are so used to giving that it can feel a little odd for them to receive. I think that doing something special for your mom, even when she insists that it's not necessary, is important for moms and kids because it shows that you appreciate your mom. Everyone wants to feel appreciated. And kids shouldn't always expect their mom to do or give.

Many moms miss time with their adult kids. Seeing you, hearing your voice, and spending time with you are among the biggest joys for most moms. Find ways to stay connected with moms frequently, not just on special occasions.

It's common knowledge that most moms will do almost anything for their children. But moms have a breaking point. This means that they can only take so much before they shut down. This means that if you're disrespectful, always expect or demand, aren't around, or don't respect her boundaries; then she may not be there when you need her. In other words, don't take advantage of your mom's good nature.  Also, this is really important; you don't have as much time with your mom as you think you might. You keep putting off time to spend with her; you never know when you won't have that option anymore because life is fragile and unpredictable. 

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