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How society plays a role in how many friends you have

Just because you have a small circle doesn't mean you aren't friendly.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — On Thursday we're diving into the world of friendships and why society often places a significant emphasis on the number of friends one has. 

The focus on friend counts can be linked to social validation and a desire for a sense of belonging. Someone who has a lot of friends must be someone worth knowing. In our digital age, platforms like social media often amplify this because friend count becomes a measure of popularity.

If someone doesn't have a large circle of friends, it says that they don't have a large circle of friends. It doesn't necessarily mean that there's something wrong with them. It doesn't necessarily mean that they're unlikable, unfriendly, or can't make or keep friends. They could prefer smaller, deeper connections with a select few. It could be that they find it hard to trust and are selective in who they let into their circle. 

A better measure of a person is how they treat you and others than an arbitrary number of friends. Think of it this way. The number of friends doesn't determine the quality of the friendships.

There are societal factors that contribute to the obsession with friend counts. Society often perpetuates the idea that popularity equals success, which leads people to gauge self-worth based on external validation such as friend count. Instead, realize that the quality of the friendship matters more than the number of friends. It's about authenticity and finding people who truly understand and support you.

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