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Helping kids understand and not fear fireworks

Blanca Cobb has tips for making sure your kids enjoy the July 4th tradition of fireworks without fear.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Tomorrow is the fourth of July, which means that many families will be celebrating and watching fireworks. While some children might be frightened of the loud noises of fireworks, others will be mesmerized by them. Here are some tips on how to keep your children safe.

Some children may not realize that fireworks aren’t toys because they may have experience with sparklers, which are a type of firework that sparkles while you hold it in your hand. Depending on their developmental level, they may not realize fireworks come in all shapes and sizes. They may not realize that fireworks are dangerous can cause fires and severe burns. Additionally, they may fireworks contain chemicals and they’re notorious for being unpredictable. This means that when you think they’re going to go off, they don’t. And when you don’t expect it, they do.

Here are a few suggestions to keep your children safe during fireworks. Keep a safe distance away from where the fireworks will be set off. Make sure that children are always supervised by an adult. Children shouldn’t light any fireworks. If your child is going to hold sparklers, they should wear safety glasses. Additionally, teach your children about the dangers of fireworks and warn them not to touch unexploded fireworks that they might see on the ground. They should show you the fireworks that they find.

Hearing protection in either ear plugs or headphones will help muffle the loud sounds. Holding your children in your arms, wrapping your arms around them, or holding their hand while they’re watching the fireworks can give them comfort.

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