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Heat can affect our moods

Blanca Cobb explains how warm weather can make us more hot-headed and how we can cool our tops.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — It's no secret that hot summer temperatures can make some of us a little more irritable than we typically are, but what's the impact on our relationships? And how can we manage the anger that results from being hot?

According to the American Psychiatric Association, a temperature rise can mean a rise in irritability, anger, and negative moods. Heat can be disruptive to your sleep. And for some people, irritability can set in with a lack of sleep.

As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. To help you manage your mood before you get too hot, ensure you're hydrated by drinking enough water. Stay as cool as you can in either air conditioning or in the shade. Know your triggers and what aggravates you, and have coping mechanisms to deal with them. When you know that you're irritable because of the hot temperatures outside, you're better able to self-regulate what's happening. You can excuse yourself from the conversation. Or, explain that you're feeling slightly irritable because of the heat. Have a mantra that you can say to yourself repeatedly that can help you relax.

If you notice that someone is irritable because of the heat, you might want to find ways to help them cool down. Once they can regulate their body temperature by getting cooler, they tend to have an easier conversation. Realize that someone might feel a little irritable because of the heat, which can help you not take it personally. Also, you can postpone any conversation or interaction until a later time.

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