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Salty and sweet thinking: Youday!

If there were two bowls, one with sugar and the other salt, could you tell the difference? Probably not, but by taste you definitely can.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — If there were two bowls, one with sugar and the other salt, could you tell the difference? At first glance, probably not because by sight they look the same, but by taste, you definitely can. What if you tasted them and couldn't tell the difference? I relate this to the way that some think.

This is how I explain our thinking. There is such thing as salty thoughts and sweet thoughts. Salty thoughts are thoughts that, you guessed it, make us salty. 

These are thoughts that change our mood and cause us to quickly grow irritated. Opposite of salty thoughts are sweet thoughts. Sweet thoughts tend to make us sugar-coat things. Based on these definitions, which occupy the core of your thinking?

The problem is some of us are so salty-minded that we perceive it to be sweet because no one ever challenges us on our thoughts. 

Some who have dominant sugar thoughts sugar coat everything never confronting the root of an issue. We must recognize when we are salty or sugar-coating everything...In the long run, too much of either never does the body good.

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