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American Heart Month | Raising awareness for cardiovascular disease

In connection with National Heart Month, Blanca Cobb helps viewers address health issues with their family members.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Sometimes, we have to have difficult conversations with people who we care about. For example, you might notice something seems off about a relative's health. It's a delicate subject and approaching the conversation carefully can make a significant impact on their well-being. Since February is heart health month, we thought it would be a good time to talk about this topic.

Here are suggestions to have an easier conversation about your concerns.

Start the conversation about a relative's health from a place of empathy and concern. Let them know that you care about them, and that's why you're bringing it up. You can say something like, "I'm noticing X, Y, and Z. I'd love a minute to talk about it if that's ok." You want to be specific in what you describe so your relative can understand your concerns better.

You want to avoid any blame or accusations in the conversation because your relative will shut you out. Instead, use "I" statements because it helps decrease any defensiveness.

During your conversation, use open body language where you make eye contact, have soft facial expressions, and talk in a gentle tone. Avoid crossing your arms because it can be perceived as anger or defensiveness. Having your arms relaxed by your side makes you appear more approachable.

Share your thoughts on my Facebook page: Blanca Cobb – Body Language Expert. Write a message on my timeline, and I'll get back to you. While you're on my page, I'd appreciate it if you give my page a "like."



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