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Are your kids ready for kindergarten?

Blanca Cobb offers advice on how to make sure your kindergartener is ready for the first day of school and how to avoid stress.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — August is It's Get Ready for Kindergarten Month. For some preschoolers, the transition can be a little nerve-wracking. When transitioning from preschool to kindergarten, there can be a lot of talk about being a big boy or girl now that they're going to kindergarten. Some children may not know what being a big boy or girl means, which can cause some apprehension. Children at this age don't understand the abstract. They're still quite literal. So, explaining what you mean by big boy or big girl can be helpful. Kindergarten is typically part of a bigger school with taller kids, which can be intimidating. However, the location of kindergarten classes is usually separated from the older, bigger children. And it's the unknown about kindergarten that can make some children nervous.

An effective way to get your child excited about kindergarten is to take the mystery out of it. Visit the school, take a tour, meet the teacher, and schedule play dates or meet-ups with other families with kindergarten children. Answer any questions your little one might have and show enthusiasm about the next big step in their life. Additionally, talking about your kindergarten experiences can be helpful. Lastly, normalize their nervousness as trying something new can cause some apprehension.

You can increase your child's excitement at home by shopping for school supplies together. Allow them to choose a few supplies, such as which box of crayons they'd like. Perhaps, there's a unique backpack or lunch box they'd like. Also, you can simulate what a kindergarten day might look like by playing pretend. You can break down a two-hour block into 20-minute blocks of art, reading, play, and snack time.

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