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Friends remember Triad cyclist who died following crash

Friends say James Davis was their biggest motivator. They're now tasked with carrying his friendly legacy.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — A white bike sits on the side of a McLeansville Roadway. 

The memorial is in honor of Anjie Blount's long time team member and friend, James Davis. 

"It happened with him doing what he truly, truly, loved to do. He was cycling and he was hit from behind by a driver," Blount recalled.

She says a car hit Davis last Friday as he was biking on Knox Road. 

Davis was the co-founder of the Triad's Major Taylor Cycling Club.

Just last month, the club took park in the national ride of silence to honor cyclist who've been hit and killed. 

"Going on year three, the club has dozens of Triad members who enjoy riding and the fellowship that comes with it," said Blount. 

"We have a good time out cycling. We promote health and wellness," she exclaimed. 

The club's convention was already scheduled for this weekend. 

Edward Murchison says that's where he was supposed to see Davis, instead he's remembering the last ride they had. 

"He gave me a hug and he said I love you man and I'll see you at the next ride and that was the last conversation that I had with him," Murchison recalled. 

To keep cyclists safe while riding, Blount encourages motorists to give them three feet. 

"That way we have enough distance in case something happens with our bike and that also gives the driver a chance, if they need to make some type of quick reaction on the road," she advised. 

She says they do their best to be seen by wearing bright clothes, using hand signals, and following the rules of the roadway, but everyone has a responsibility. 

"We want to be out there and enjoying what we love to do, and we need the support of everybody to do that," she said. 

Friends say knowing the risk, they will continue to ride. Only now, they will take over Davis' role as motivator and friend. 

"He taught me, no matter who it is, say something nice about their ride, it's motivating, that's what I do now pass on a good word because that's what he did," said Murchison. 

Davis will be honored during the global ride of silence Saturday morning. He is also being honored at the Major Taylor international convention in Indianapolis this weekend. 

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