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It's National American Family Day

Blanca Cobb explains what family means and the importance of the relationships.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — It's American Family Day. It's a day to celebrate the heart of our nation: the family. Family. It's a word that evokes warmth, love, and a sense of belonging. But what does it truly mean in today's world?

Families are supposed to be everything. Your family is your haven from a harsh world. Love, acceptance, and support are supposed to be endless. Unfortunately, for some people, it isn't this way.

Family relationships are complex. Sometimes, families struggle to stay together. Family members have different personalities, values, beliefs, life experiences, and tolerances. I think the expectations of family members are the highest ever. If a family member crosses you or betrays you, it seems unimaginable. You think, "We're family; how can you possibly do that?" Family is supposed to be sacred and respected. The hurt runs deeper, and the forgiveness is scarcer within a family.

Sometimes, life takes unexpected turns. Maybe you've had a falling out with family or grown distant from them. In these situations, it's pretty common for friendships to deepen. Friends can become your family. It's a different type of connection. You can have fulfilling familial relationships with friends.

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