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Dealing with parents getting sick when you are an adult

Blanca Cobb offers advice on the emotional impact a parent getting sick as they age.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Actor Ryan Reynolds recently opened up about his late father's battle with Parkinson's Disease. Ryan shared a powerful message about how a better understanding of the disease, specifically the hallucinations and delusions that his father suffered, could have helped him be more patient with his dad, and he believes that his father would have felt less alone. His story highlights a common experience for many adult children facing a parent's illness.

When an adult child gets the news that their parent has a serious illness, it can be an unsettling time filled with a range of emotions: shock, fear, anger, sadness, and guilt. Adult children often feel a deep sense of responsibility and may struggle to balance their own lives with their parent's care. A big challenge is understanding the scope of the disease as it relates to their parent. People with a particular illness don't necessarily have the same symptoms or follow the same trajectory. So, it can be confusing if their parent's symptoms are different from what's popularized in the media and movies.

Adult children often grapple with intense guilt when a parent is seriously ill, which can come from not having enough time to help the parent, past conflicts, self-blame for the illness, neglecting other responsibilities, and the inability to "fix" the situation. Recognizing guilt as a normal but manageable emotion is crucial for coping with this challenging experience.

Parental illness often reignites or intensifies sibling rivalry due to resurfacing old conflicts, competition for parental attention, unequal caregiving burdens, financial stress, and disagreements over crucial decisions, creating tension and strain within the family dynamic. Some adult children might be willing to immediately bury the hatchet to do what's best for mom or dad, while other adult siblings might not, and the war continues.

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