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Sister relationships and the connection between sisters

Blanca Cobb explains relationships between sisters and how they might be different than with other family members.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — It's National Sisters Day—a day to celebrate those complex, unbreakable bonds that only sisters can share.

The relationship between sisters is truly special. It starts when they're young and helps them learn important life skills. Sisters can be a safe place for each other to try new things, work through problems, and learn to understand how others feel.

You learn many life skills as a sister, such as sharing, working together, and loving each other. Because sisters are so close, they can have strong bonds, but sometimes they argue. The way sisters get along changes over time.

A common misconception is that sisters are always competitive. While sibling rivalry exists, it's usually a phase. Sisters often develop strong support systems and become each other's biggest cheerleaders. The key is finding a balance between individuality and shared experiences.

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