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Tips for having your college student back at home

Blanca Cobb explains how parents and kids might have different ideas of how they spend their summers. Plus, the financial aspect.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — It's the time of year when college kids come home for the summer. After being on their own for the academic year, it can be a difficult transition when they bring their newfound independence home.

To avoid any problems, it's best to have a conversation with your college students before they come home or, if they're already home, as soon as possible. Talk about their expectations for their summer break. What do they want to accomplish? What are their plans? It's also important to talk about your expectations about their daily schedule so they don't sleep all day, leave the house a mess, and have overnight guests. It's also important to talk about the consequences of not following house rules.

Parents should keep in mind that if your college student takes a couple of weeks to relax and not do too much, this doesn't necessarily mean that they'll be unproductive the whole summer.

As much as many college students enjoy their independence from mom and dad when they come home for the summer, some college kids want to be able to tap into the bank of mom or dad. This can put a financial strain on the family budget. This is why talking about and setting parameters around mom and dad's money is important.

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