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Practicing letting go on "Let it Go Day"

Blanca Cobb explains why letting go of certain things can help our mental and physical well-being.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Feeling stressed? Burdened by something you can't control? Well, buckle up because today is Let It Go Day, which is actually a powerful reminder about the importance of letting go of negativity in our lives.

 Let It Go Day is a reminder about the power of letting go. Studies show that holding onto negativity, grudges, or past hurts can take a real toll on our emotional and even physical health.

Letting go is about acknowledging what happened, maybe even learning from it, but then releasing the negative emotions associated with it. It's about freeing yourself to move forward with a lighter heart.

Letting go doesn't mean that they get away with it. Forgiveness is a big part of letting go, but it doesn't mean condoning someone's actions. You can forgive someone and still hold them accountable, or simply choose to distance yourself from them.

Share your thoughts on my Facebook page: Blanca Cobb – Body Language Expert. Write a message on my timeline, and I'll get back to you. While you're on my page, I'd appreciate it if you give my page a "like."

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