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What to look out for when trying to resolve a disagreement

Body language expert Blanca Cobb explains what to look out for and do when resolving problems with people.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Earlier on the show, we talked about ways to make amends if you had any family tension or arguments over Thanksgiving. Let’s start with your body language before having a conversation to make amends. Remember that your emotional state influences your body language. This means that if you’re angry and try to hide it, anger can seep out in facial expressions, rigid posture and movements, and voice. It’s important to make sure that you’re as relaxed and calm as possible. It’s a good idea to look at yourself in the mirror or your camera on your phone for any signs of tension.

Here are a few cues that someone might not be listening to you. Some people get a zoned-out look on their faces when they’re listening to you. Sometimes, they stare at something without blinking. Some people twitch their lips or move their mouths when you’re talking because they’re thinking about what they want to say instead of listening.

Here are a few body language gestures you can use to increase someone’s comfort level when talking to you. Ensure you’re sitting close enough to be heard but not too close that they feel you’re crowding them. Sometimes, you might show harshness with your eyes when they say something that you disagree with. Even if you don’t argue, you want to soften your gaze because it’s less threatening and more inviting. Also, make sure that you’re looking in their direction when you’re talking or listening. If you look away at critical points in the conversation, they might feel like you’re not listening and don’t care about their point.

Share your thoughts on my Facebook page: Blanca Cobb – Body Language Expert. Write a message on my timeline, and I’ll get back to you. While you’re on my page, I’d appreciate it if you give my page a “like.”

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