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Greensboro City Council has long debate over affordable housing

Councilmembers worry about whether the money is a good use of resources.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — It was a busy night at Tuesday's Greensboro city council meeting.

Council unanimously approved its $802 million budget.

Council said a top priority in the budget is to make the Gate City a place with competitive salaries.

It includes a 4% pay raise for all city employees.

 On top of that, the city's minimum wage will go from $18 to $18.75.

The budget also includes investments in public safety with more positions for the city's behavioral health team and the new neighborhood traffic safety program.

Water and sewer rates will go up, adding just under $5 to monthly bills.

There was an item on the agenda that led to a heated discussion and strong opinions among council members.

It's to spend nearly a million dollars to buy land for affordable housing.

 Council debated buying the vacant 25-unit motel on Summit Avenue also known as the Summit Executive Center. 

The site has become blighted and the city's housing and neighborhood development wants to turn it into supportive housing.

Some units could be used for those living with aids.

Council member Zack Matheny said the money could be better used elsewhere. 

"Taking $950,000 into something like this when it should be condemned is not the most appropriate thing to do or the best use of funds," Matheny said.  "What we should do is take the money to get control of the property we should have owned which is the Regency Inn or John Dimery Way. Focus on one project." 

 The property is in Councilwoman Goldie Wells's district. She said it would meet a critical need.

" It's a place where that special population that needs the health care can go right down the street, they can get food, they can go wherever they want to. That's what I'm asking for. The other two projects we're not giving up on it but we have to look at alternatives." 

 Ultimately, the council approved the purchase by a 6 to 3 vote.

According to the applicants, construction on the housing units should be completed late next year.

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