WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. — In these tough economic times, it's good to hear about a job fair featuring hundreds of jobs.
Career Center of the Southeast, a national career fair company, is presenting this community event on November 3rd from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Hanes Hosiery Community Center, 501 Reynolds Blvd, in Winston-Salem.
"We are thrilled that recently we are seeing some hints of light at the end of the tunnel," said Kimberly Harris of The Career Center of The Southeast, "So this job fair is a perfect way to get things kicked off.".
The event is a one-stop-shop for those in need of work and with dozens of vendors, there is bound to be a job for just about anyone.
"The purpose of this event is to provide employment opportunities, and other resources to promote community empowerment and strengthen community partnerships, " continued Harris.
If you are interested in this event go to the Career Center Of The Southeast website for all the details.