GREENSBORO, N.C. — In less than a week, WFMY News 2 turns 75. Over the course of this week, we're catching up with some of the people who you might remember bringing you the news! Today, we catch up with someone who worked two stints here at WFMY News 2: Lechelle Yates.
Yates was the 2 Wants to Know investigative and consumer reporter from 1999 to 2004 and from 2013 to 2016. Yates said both of the times she worked at WFMY, helping people was always the main goal. "We worked really hard to put consumer news and investigations on the air that made a difference in people's lives, really tried to make their lives better."
When she started talking about the impact she felt the consumer team had, it was significant. "We got people's money back, we improved their homes, we changed state laws, we put people in prison." It was a lot of work. It was exhausting, but it was worth it. And I was really proud of the work we did and I was proud of the people that I worked with. They were making a difference, making changes. And that was really important to me as a journalist, which was to try to make a difference."
Yates said she sees that WFMY News 2 is still committed to making that kind of an impact. "WFMY really strives to make the community better. I think one of the best examples of that is the 2 Wants to Know Call for Action franchise. These stories really uncover injustices and solve problems. But they take a lot of work and a lot of effort, they have kept that segment on the air for 25 years."
When Yates left WFMY News 2, she stayed in the Triad. In fact, you've probably seen her on our air! She's still helping local consumers as the Director of Communications and Investigations for the Better Business Bureau.
We'll be celebrating 75 a little more this week. We're catching up with some familiar faces and celebrating other businesses turning 75. Don't miss it!
Of course, this weekend we want you to celebrate 75 years with us! Sunday, August 18th, we'll be at Triad Park from 2:00pm - 4:00pm for a party! There will be food trucks, a performance from Eric and the Chill Tones, and, of course, members of the WFMY News 2 team! We hope to see you there.