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Just call him Bob the Builder | July Community Diamond

As WFMY News 2 celebrates its diamond anniversary, we're also celebrating the diamonds in our community. This month's winner is Bob Sink.

LEXINGTON, N.C. —  In 2024, WFMY News 2 turns 75! It's our diamond anniversary! As we celebrate our diamond year, we want to take time to highlight diamonds in our community. We know there are people all over the Triad who make their communities shine! WFMY News 2 asked members of the public to nominate their diamonds and we continue to receive amazing nominations. But July's winner made quite the impression. July's Community Diamond is Robert (Bob) Sink.


Bob is a true gem. At 93 he is an energizer bunny. He still works!  He works at a local funeral home in Lexington. He works family visitations and feels that if he helps comfort one person, it was time well spent. He is very much a people person. He has built countless ramps for people who need access to their homes with assistance. He continues to be active in his church serving on property and outreach teams. He volunteers at their coat closet once a month. Years ago, he was a member of the exchange club which loaned out handicap equipment. The club folded in the 80’s but he has kept the equipment and still loans/gives it to those in need. Habitat has built around 58 homes and he has helped to build at least half of them.  He has served on their boar for over 20 years.  He is a true southern gentleman. He served in the army in the early 50’s. At the present time, he is restoring a 1931 Nash from the ground up!


Bob is a lifelong resident of Lexington, NC. He says he started working when he was 12 or 13 years old. He worked refinishing furniture in a used  furniture store and always enjoyed working with his hands. He says his family always taught him to give back when he could, so he did! He served in the U.S. Army, had a career with the City of Lexington as the natural gas superintendent, and helped people all along the way. One of his passions was helping Habitat for Humanity. Of the 58 houses the organization has built in their community, Bob has helped with half! He says he's enjoyed the process and the friends he makes along the way. He says he's still in touch with some people whose homes he's built.  His daughter said, "Volunteer for daddy hadn't been just who he's volunteered with. It's who he volunteers for." Sink said, "Just to get a family in a home they can enjoy... That's rewarding."

His community work included more than working with Habitat. He went on mission trips with his church, he was in the Exchange Club, and is still active in the Kiwanis Club. He helped build (and later rebuild) a Kiwanis Club camp and helps out every year at the Davidson County Fair. Right now, Bob is restoring a 19-31 Nash. He got it in pieces in boxes in October, and has already made a lot of progress!

When asked what was his secret, Bob said: good family, good friends, lots of prayer, and a lot of coffee.

For winning the July Community Diamond, Sink received: 

-$100 gift certificate from Windsor Jewelers

-$75 Visa gift card

-Community Diamond recognition certificate

-Other diamond goodies!


You can nominate people in your community as a Community Diamond! Fill out the nomination form below and tell us about people who are making a difference in your community!  WFMY News 2 will choose one winner a month to spotlight in an on air story. The monthly winner will also receive a gift certificate to Windsor Jewelers and a Visa Gift Card so they can reward themselves or continue doing good in their community. 

At the end of the year, each of the monthly winners will be entered into a grand prize drawing for a larger item from Windsor Jewelers. 

Take a moment to enter someone you feel is a diamond in your community!

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