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Creating retro artwork made from vinyl records

The store in downtown Seattle that is giving a new life to old vinyl.

SEATTLE — What started as an accident on the vacation trip, became an art form of expression for Shawn McClure. 

It was a hot Australian summer back in 2013 when temperatures reach outrageous new highs at 124 degrees Fahrenheit. McClure left a few records that he just purchase on a backyard table. In the heat, they all melted.

“I didn't have a bright idea one day like, 'I should cut things into records.' It was more like, kind of happened to me,” said McClure. “I came across a bunch of records when I was on vacation, they ended up melting in the heat, so I got the idea to use them and kind of cut them up into different things.”

McClure began toying with the new medium and eventually cut the Sydney skyline into the malleable vinyl. And people noticed. Soon, he started getting commissioned to create Seattle skylines pieces. 

It's definitely a kind of therapeutic process, for this artist, and a form to connect with his passion for music.

McClure only cuts records that would have otherwise been thrown away, giving a new form of light.

“The idea of repurposing things and making artwork out of old stuff,” said McClure. “If it wasn't vinyl, we wouldn't be here at all.”

Now, he has his studio in downtown Seattle called Skylinyl Records, where you can find his unique pieces that went beyond of Seattle skylines.

“I've always had a very creative mind,” said McClure. “I think I'm over the 4,000 hand-cut record mark.”

Prices for one of this hand cut vinyl pieces start at $149.99.

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