GREENSBORO, N.C. — I was reading an article on about things not to say to your bose and I thought, 'We can all use a reminder of how to properly manage up. So here goes my David Letterman style Top 5 list.
Number 5. I can't stand working with ____________.
Bosses don't want to be bothered with petty fights between co-workers. Work it out.
Number 4. It's not my fault!
Accept responsibility for things that you did and present a better way to your boss that will prevent future mistakes.
Number 3. But we've always done it that way!
Show initiative and develop a better way.
Number 2. That's not part of my job.
No matter what you were hired for the overall success of the business is everyone's job.
And the number one thing not to say to the boss....
I can't work Saturday I have plans.
Well.... now you don't.
But that's just My 2 Cents.