GREENSBORO, N.C. — If you are one of the lucky ones to see the Broadway traveling production of Disney's "Frozen" then you know all too well how incredibly beautiful the costumes are.
Keeping them in tip-top shape is the responsibility of one Meredith Scott.
"I mean these are trademark pieces. These are the things that people expect to see when they come to see the show. They are very intricate. We spend a lot of time taking care of them on a daily basis even on a nightly basis. They definitely take the most wear and tear just because we ask them to do so much when they're wearing them so then this is extremely important." says Scott.
"They never hang. We keep them laying flat at all times and keep them in fabric-lined baskets all the time."" continued Scott.
Some of the costumes are reserved for understudies or cast members that don't have principal roles. Those too have to remain in top shape just in case they are ever called up to a lead role in case of emergency.
"Even before the show we do a 4-hour call every single day where we go through and we check for repairs. We do any beading work and we make sure that everything is safe, number one, and that everything looks beautiful," commented Scott, "It's not all glamourous though. We do a lot of laundry as well."